[ { "@context":"http://schema.org", "@type":"WebPage", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Justin Taylor" }, "creator":"Justin Taylor", "dateCreated":"2014-10-15T19:37:00Z", "dateModified":"2014-10-15T19:37:00Z", "datePublished":"2014-10-15T19:37:00Z", "headline":"Hassle-free delivery", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "url": "https://www.gardentrends.co.uk/pages/delivery" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "name": "Garden Trends Logo Schema by SchemaPlus", "url": "https://www.gardentrends.co.uk/cdn/shop/files/GardenTrendsMailSignature_small.png?v=1626184779" }, "name": "Garden Trends" }, "text": "\u003cdiv style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003eHassle-free delivery\u003c\/div\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eWe believe delivery should be quick, easy and hassle-free.\u003c\/strong\u003e We carefully select our courier services and we expect your order to be efficiently delivered to you in first-class condition.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eAnd if you changed your mind, it's easy to \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/www.gardentrends.co.uk\/pages\/delivery#returns\"\u003ereturn items\u003c\/a\u003e too!\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e*We are currently unable to ship outside of the Mainland UK using our existing courier networks. We can ship within the United Kingdom, but some areas may fall outside of our conditional free shipping promise on orders above £30, so please refer to the below or get in contact with us for a specific quote if you want delivery outside of the Mainland UK (charges may apply to Scottish Highlands and islands, Channel Islands (including Isle of Wight), Isle of Mann and Northern Ireland.)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eUK Mainland\u003c\/strong\u003e — delivery charges\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eStandard Delivery\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eMost small-medium size products are collected from us next day and sent on a 3-5 day service, a tracking number is supplied in your confirmation email.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eLarger items or orders that include items that need transporting on pallets may take a few days to be arranged prior to shipping from our warehouse, you will still receive a shipping email once this has left us.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eA selection of the products listed on our site as 'In Stock' will be despatched within 7-10 working days (unless otherwise stated on the Product Detail Page – pre-order date selection options are our best estimates on when we should expect the goods, these are subject to manufacturing delays and shipping delays). Should there be a delay in dispatching these item\/s to you for any reason, we will contact you with an updated delivery estimate.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSome items may require a direct purchase from the manufacturer to fulfil your order; in these cases, the 7-10 working day timeframe may not apply, we will aim to contact you to set your expectations.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eOrders up to £30:\u003c\/strong\u003e You pay just £3.95 shipping.*\u003cbr\u003e \u003cstrong\u003eOrders over £30:\u003c\/strong\u003e Shipping is FREE.*\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eDelivery of most garden furniture and medium-large BBQs\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eDelivery is made on a \u003cstrong\u003ewooden pallet\u003c\/strong\u003e, to ensure your order arrives in perfect condition. Delivery of such items will take place Monday to Friday between 8.00am-6.00pm. The dispatch team will contact you to co-ordinate a convenient day for delivery, they will only do so after they receive the goods from us at our warehouse, so please expect contact only after you have received your shipping email.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eDelivery is \u003cstrong\u003e'kerbside only'**\u003c\/strong\u003e. The driver will not be able to carry the furniture up or down steps, carry the furniture through a property, wheel the pallet across a gravel driveway or up particularly steep driveways; some reasonable requests may be considered by the driver if they deem it safe to do so i.e using a pallet jack to move the order from the kerb onto a paved driveway etc, this is solely subject to what the driver would deem suitable.\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e Unfortunately the delivery company will be unable to remove items from the pallet or take the pallet away with them. They will normally place the pallet where required but within reason of the physical constraints of the pallet size. The driver will normally wait for you to inspect the goods and we would recommend you do so before signing the delivery note.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eIF THE DRIVER DOES NOT PERMIT SUFFICENT TIME TO BREAK DOWN THE PALLET AND INSPECT THE GOODS, \u003cu\u003eYOU MUST SIGN THE PROOF OF DELIVERY NOTE AS – NOT CHECKED\u003c\/u\u003e, \u003c\/strong\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eif the goods are damaged and you sign okay, it may be more difficult to arrange replacements. \u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you are not at home at the pre-arranged day, or refuse delivery, a re-delivery charge - usually £25 (but may be greater) - may be required before we could arrange another delivery. If you request a return after this, relevant shipping fees for the original attempt and the return may be deducted from any relevant refund.\u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e Please ensure you are fully aware of the delivery process before you place your order, if you have any questions please let us know.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eUK Highlands \u0026amp; Islands and the Channel Isles\u003c\/strong\u003e — delivery charges\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eDelivery surcharges may be automatically generated by our website, but if this does not occur, we may contact you to inform you of a specific additional fee if the property falls within these more difficult to reach areas; fees are dependent upon the UK postcode you ship to.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you are in a VAT exempt area, you will need to contact us to confirm this, as VAT is not automatically removed at the time of your order. Please contact us beforehand so we can manually amend any order data if your address falls within an exempt area.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eYou will be liable for any applicable import duty at customs.\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eGuernsey and Jersey pallet deliveries: These can be performed to Guernsey or Jersey and most locations within are free from shipping surcharges (please check with us prior to placing your order). Please be aware that deliveries to these offshore locations may be subject to slight delays in delivery time compared to what we advertise for Mainland UK. We may not be able to offer an expedited delivery service on delivery to these locations.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e \u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eNOTICE- WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY OFFERING FREE SHIPPING TO IRELAND OR NORTHERN IRELAND. WE HOPE TO BE ABLE TO RE-INSTATE THIS SERVICE SHORTLY.\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe can ship items to Northern Ireland, but at present this will incur a significant additional delivery fee for residential addresses. EORI registered business addresses are more easily accessible within our existing courier network so please reach out to us before placing an order for an exact delivery quote. (Any delivery would incur time delays due to the customs documentation required, please expect delays outside of the advertised 7-10 working day timeframe)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e \u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e \u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eEuropean \u0026amp; Worldwide destinations\u003c\/strong\u003e — delivery charges\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cbr\u003e We may be able to ship items internationally, but an additional fee will apply. Our existing courier partners may not be able to fulfil any international order, so a chartered courier service may be required. For any queries please email us with the items you wish to purchase, alongside the delivery address and we can get a quote for you. \u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eSo, your order's on the way...\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003col\u003e\n\u003cli\u003e\n\u003cstrong\u003eWe'll send you an email to confirm when we ship your items.\u003c\/strong\u003eThere'll be a link in the email to enable you to track your order, if this does not work please contact us.\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003e\n\u003cstrong\u003eSmall items may not require a date to be booked in,\u003c\/strong\u003e a courier may arrive whenever they have the availability to deliver, they may ask you for delivery instructions if you are not in on the date of attempted delivery.\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003e\n\u003cstrong\u003eMost medium and large-sized orders require a signature upon delivery.\u003c\/strong\u003eThe courier should contact you ahead of time to book in a suitable date for delivery, so please keep an eye open for any unknown numbers calling after your shipping email confirmation, as it may be the courier attempting to reach you.\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003e\n\u003cstrong\u003eCheck the packaging for damage and make a note of this when signing.\u003c\/strong\u003ePlease only sign as \u003cem\u003ereceived in good condition\u003c\/em\u003e if that is true. If the goods have obviously been damaged in transit, please refuse delivery and call us. The courier should allow time for you to inspect the boxes before signing the proof of delivery form; if they do not, please sign NOT CHECKED.\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003cli\u003e\n\u003cstrong\u003eIf you're out when the courier arrives, they will leave a calling card.\u003c\/strong\u003ePlease contact the courier directly to arrange a convenient time for re-delivery. If they're still not able to deliver on the third attempt, they may request you collect the order from their depot. Subsequent delivery attempts may require additional payment by the customer.\u003c\/li\u003e\n\u003c\/ol\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e \u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eBusy ordering periods (April to July, and December)\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe make every effort to deliver your purchase within the specified times. During busy periods, stock levels deplete rapidly and the delivery services are pushed to capacity. To avoid disappointment, please order you goods as early as possible.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe aim to get deliveries dispatched within 10 full working days after the order, during the busy periods as described this may not be guaranteed.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf there are any problems with your order we'll notify you as soon as possible. If you're not happy with the options we suggest, we'll offer you a full refund.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eChanged your mind? We've made returns easy\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWrong size? Wrong colour? Complete our Returns Form to ensure we refund your order as quickly as possible. Incorrectly ordered or no longer wanted items are subject to a return fee, which is the customers responsibility to pay.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eSmaller Items:\u003c\/strong\u003e Our convenient \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.collectplus.co.uk\/\"\u003ereturns service provided by Collect+\u003c\/a\u003e means you can return your smaller items for a low fixed cost. It's easier and cheaper than queueing at the Post Office! You do not have to use this courier, but we would require a tracked service.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eLarge Items:\u003c\/strong\u003e Please call us so we can advise the best way to return larger items, if delivered on a pallet, this would need to be present at the time of collection alongside the products in original packaging.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/www.gardentrends.co.uk\/pages\/returns\"\u003eReturning Your Items »\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cdiv id=\"accordion\"\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "url":"https://www.gardentrends.co.uk/pages/delivery" } , { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "name": "Garden Trends Breadcrumbs Schema by SchemaPlus", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "item": { "@id": "/pages/delivery", "name": "Hassle-free delivery" } } ] } ]