[ { "@context":"http://schema.org", "@type":"WebPage", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Justin Taylor" }, "creator":"Justin Taylor", "dateCreated":"2014-10-15T19:27:00Z", "dateModified":"2014-10-15T19:27:00Z", "datePublished":"2014-10-15T19:27:00Z", "headline":"Returns", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "url": "https://www.gardentrends.co.uk/pages/returns" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "name": "Garden Trends Logo Schema by SchemaPlus", "url": "https://www.gardentrends.co.uk/cdn/shop/files/GardenTrendsMailSignature_small.png?v=1626184779" }, "name": "Garden Trends" }, "text": "\u003cp class=\"lead\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eWhen returning an item to Garden Trends for a refund or faulty\/damaged item, it is essential that you fully complete the Returns form below and include it with your return within the package.\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch2 style=\"text-align: center;\"\u003e\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0671\/3981\/files\/GardenTrends_ReturnsForm_2023.pdf?v=1679388389\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" style=\"padding: 10px; background: #ccc; border: #333 1px solid;\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eReturns Form Download\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003chr\u003e\n\u003ch2 style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eUnwanted items\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ePlease return any unwanted items within \u003cstrong\u003e30 days\u003c\/strong\u003e of receiving your order (this does not include weekends or Bank Holidays).\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eYou are required to pay any return shipping costs. You can opt to make courier arrangements for return yourself, although we do recommend following our instructions below.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eLarge BBQs, garden furniture and other oversized items require specialised delivery services.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eSmall and Medium Sized Orders:\u003c\/strong\u003e A convenient returns service you can use is Parcel2Go. If you go to their website (\u003ca href=\"www.parcel2go.com\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Parcel2Go\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"\u003ewww.parcel2go.com\u003c\/a\u003e) and follow the instructions, you will be given various options for returning your goods. Using this service means you can return your smaller items for a fixed cost. It's easier and cheaper than queueing at the Post Office.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eLarge and Bulky Items:\u003c\/strong\u003e We recommend you call us to arrange collection of larger or bulky items. Please note there will be a collection fee, which will be charged to your card before we arrange collection of the items (please contact our Customer Service team on 0118 3800 381 or returns@gardentrends.co.uk prior to return to confirm fee and book collection).\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003ePallet-delivered Items\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e:\u003c\/strong\u003e We recommend you call us to arrange collection by a specialist carrier network. Please note collection fee starts at £50, which will be charged to your card before we arrange collection of the items (please contact our Customer Service team on 0118 3800 381 or returns@gardentrends.co.uk prior to return to confirm fee and book collection).\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eWe can only accept items returned in original condition (with original packaging). The product remains yours until successfully received by our warehouse.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003e\u003cstrong\u003ePlease include proof of delivery with your goods as we are unable to refund goods that do not make it back to our warehouse.\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/em\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch2\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eExchanges\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you wish to exchange any items (change of size\/colour\/product) within 30 days of receiving your order, please complete the Returns Form and send the products back to us for a full refund.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ePlease reorder your required items to ensure you receive your required items promptly.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch2\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eDamaged\/Faulty or Incorrect Item Delivered\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you receive a damaged or faulty item, please email our Customer Service team via help@gardentrends.co.uk with pictures of the damage or fault to your item(s), along with details of the errors (please include your order number, so we can trace your order) and if you would like a replacement or refund (full or partial).\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFaulty or damaged items need to be reported within \u003cstrong\u003e30 days\u003c\/strong\u003e of receiving your order.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you wish to return the damaged\/faulty item for a full refund or be replaced, we will arrange for the item(s) to be returned to our warehouse. If the item is large or bulky, we will arrange a convenient day to collect your items.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ePlease \u003cstrong\u003eDO NOT\u003c\/strong\u003e return the item yourself; we cannot credit shipping costs.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch2\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eIncorrect Items\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003ch4 id=\"uk-mainland\"\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/h4\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you receive an incorrect item, please email us a picture of the incorrect item received, and we will then arrange for the item to be returned to our warehouse and send you the correct one. \u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003ePlease note, if you return an item yourself, we will not be able to refund you for the shipping.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch2\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eOrder Cancellation\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/h2\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eIf you wish to cancel an order that has \u003cstrong\u003eNOT\u003c\/strong\u003e been dispatched, you must phone us immediately and a full refund will be issued.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eShould you wish to cancel goods that have left our warehouse, orders may be subject to returns charges.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eYour rights to return goods are protected under the \u003ca href=\"http:\/\/www.hmso.gov.uk\/si\/si2000\/20002334.htm\"\u003eThe Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 Act.\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cspan\u003eYou have the statutory right to cancel your order for any reason within 14 days beginning with the day you receive the item.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e", "url":"https://www.gardentrends.co.uk/pages/returns" } ,{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "name": "Garden Trends Breadcrumbs Schema by SchemaPlus", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "item": { "@id": "/pages/returns", "name": "Returns" } }] } ]